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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Turkish Anatolian tradition of the Yemeni Writing Oya

Turkish traditions as Martha Stewart will try to introduce to you now. It 's part in the Asian continent has anadolu units. According to these pieces of marriageable girls in the Turkish portion of the married name for the new homes needed goods etc.. and prepare for new homes are gathered. Here are some examples of writing yemeni anadolu attached to the head


Martha Stewart Turkish Kitchen Food Recipes
Two water glasses bulgur
1-cup mushrooms
3 garlic teeth
1 onion
2 green peppers
1 1 tomato
1 tatlı ksg tomato paste
1 tatlı ksg Pepper Paste
oil, salt, water

Preparation of:
1 bowl of mushroom fungi alınç.Üzerine ilave kesin.Tencereye oil have been cut kavurun.Üzerine and pepper edin.soğanı additional glass of water ekleyin.2 the bulgur and salt in alın.Salçayı additional edin.Domatesi pilaf cooked by adding hot water to further edin.Üzerine.

Cheese Salad Fried

Martha Stewart Orjinal Recipes
Materials:Green salad1 tomato1-cup walnuts1 handful parsley200 gram tulum cheese100 gram white cheese
Panelemek for:Hardtack floureggsun
Preparation of:200 gram.tulum and 100 gram white cheese ezin.white part of your hand the size of walnuts and roll lightly with your hand first cheese balls later the egg is later able to tack and unAll greens broken with your hand on the service plate on the service plate is cut alın.Üzerine ilave edin.1 tomato nut bowl parts of the service plate on alın.Yeşilliklerin services and obtain additional kıazrmışolan cheese balls.

Pancake with strawberry

Martha Stewart Recipes
Materials:3 water gls. unDry yeast 1 çorba kc1 water gls 1 water gls süt, milk mixed, water mixture100 gram margarine1 egg1 çrba granulated sugarSalt 1 fiske
For strawberry sauce:Half a kg. strawberry2 water gls granulated sugarOne tatlı kşğ. vanilla1 su gls water
Preparation of:3 cups of water to the mixing bowl the flour alın.Üzerine dry yeast water mixture ekleyin.1 vu cup milk, granulated sugarsalt and warm water on a stretch film ekleyin.Hamur soft turn off the olmalıdır.After 5 minutes, the yeast sağlayın.Daha to 1oo gr margarine, 1 egg, extra yoğurun.Hamur and soft in consistency olamlıdır.Hamuru teaspoon mayalandırın.Hamurdan a little more help is the girl in pan and then cut sıvıyağda bite kızartın.Çilek sauce for the strawberries into a puree in the shredder getirin.Çilek the mashed tencerey alın.Üzerine granulated sugar, vanilla and water ialve on the pişirin.Lokmaların the strawberry sauce poured obtain the service.

Little Pastry for Pizza

Martha Stewart Show
Little Pastry for Pizza

Hamuru for:
4 water glasses un30 gram years yeast1 sugar k. tuz salt1 soup k. butterReceive many warm water
Interior fee for:
White ceese
Over the :
One egg
Preparation of:
4 cup flour in mixing bowl alın.Üzerine 1 medium sweet edin.Unun to 30 gr.yaşmaya Add additional salt. Yeast and yeast over warm water, add 1 tablespoon butter to eritin.Hamura to force extra edin. For the yeast dough is a little piece of walnut in size bekletin.Daha then turn on the break and then round your hand.Your hand and the hand sink sarısna dough inside the egg to open the pool.Into the pool to the inside of the dough and white cheese, pepper, scuk, stager cheese, olives Add. As fee for internal kaşar cheese cubes kesin.Sucuğu exact cube.Add tray of tiny Oven pizza. The 220-degree oven